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Discover our group journeys.
Expansion Breathwork Ceremony
Your breath holds the key to an extraordinary possibility: accessing states that can open the way to transforming how you experience yourself and reality. This journey combines conscious connected breathing techniques with expert guidance to access and navigate non-ordinary states of consciousness, offering the potential for breakthrough insights.
Ideal for: breakthrough experiences and exploring expanded states of consciousness.
Unbounded Breathwork
Unlock your innate resourcefulness by immersing yourself in this conscious connected breathwork session. Make space for your whole experience and open the doors to personal growth and transformation.
Ideal for: emotional release, clarity, and empowerment.
Somatic Breathwork
Experience the transformative power of connected breathwork combined with movement, self-bodywork, and conscious expression. Drawing from established trauma-informed practices, this carefully guided session can help you release physical tension and stress, develop deeper body awareness, consciously step away from negative patterns, and access your natural capacity for growth.
Ideal for: releasing physical tension and stress, healing, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence.
Water Breathwork Experience
Imagine floating weightlessly in water as your breath becomes a gateway to profound states of awareness and insight. In this event, you'll experience the unique practice of water breathwork—where the nurturing embrace of water amplifies the transformative power of conscious breathing.
Ideal for: experiencing something unique.
SOMA Awakening Breathwork
An advanced journey based on SOMA Breath techniques combining rhythmic breathing and yogic techniques. The result can be inspiring, uplifting, and blissful.
Ideal for: good feelings, inspiration, and spiritual exploration.